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Mar 9, 2014

Because of School peon and his tiny daughter i found myself differently . :)

Exactly the way to back home, I found out my school peon was crossing the road his both hands were busy one was I think he held the can of kerosene and other hand he held carefully his tiny daughter. Usually I times I see him on his part time work, he sells the vegetables.I smiled to myself and was thinking about to call him to just say hello.. But when I went very near to him I heard he was busy to entertain his tiny baby.i didn't hear what was it... so I just walked... wonder so many peoples out here talking a bit aimlessly like him and after some time my earphone sung :) जाया वक्त क्यों शिकवो पे करे
अधूरी हसरते दर पे है खड़ी| .
To entertain people I don't recognize how to deal with that.i  I don't aspect anything but the independent breath and as much as possible very humble vision with life's gain my need stops there ..Mortar and pestle its becoming new part of my vision. I still need to add some important things with me the dedication its not a different part when I walk when I seat its a need  for any happenings, The presence of mind, intuitiveness.It's an important thing to realize.I am afraid by seconds because they done very important changes in me.Sometimes you feel you are going to break all rules, but within a second you find yourself you already surrender and after you start to discover another one naturally.......... It's a struggle. I feel someone has to understand that it's a need basically.
Food, colors, subject to paint.Its secondary part or I could say everything is a secondary until I don't take each and everything under one roof as a priority..
Accidentally so many times i find some interesting things  ART HAVE THAT FLEXIBILITY AS A TREMENDOUS STRENGTH  .I always feel that flexibility and it gives me breath to think for creation .

The midnight moon through floating clouds my eyes don't deny I am watching same time blinking stars ....                                                                                                          

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